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Alexandros Stratakos' Supervisions (1)

PhD Applied Sciences
Doctor of Philosopy

Level Doctor of Philosopy
Student Mr Oluwatobi Fatola
Status Current
Part Time No
Years 2023
Project Title Development of novel, sustainable and antibiotic-free antimicrobial strategies to control pathogens with zoonotic potential at the interface of wild birds and humans
Project Description The aim of this project is to develop novel, sustainable and antibiotic-free antimicrobial strategies (for example, coatings, 3D printed antimicrobial surfaces) that can be applied to various surfaces and structures to protect against pathogens that affect wild birds, including pathogens with zoonotic potential
Awarding Institution University of the West of England
Director of Studies Alexandros Stratakos
Second Supervisor Saliha Saad
Additional Supervisor Aniko Varadi