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Elena Marco-Burguete's Outputs (6)

Stuff and space in the home: How can an understanding of material possessions help to inform spatial storage design in UK housing? (2021)

In the field of architecture, there has been little research on how the accumulation of material possessions is impacting on space for living in the home. There has been little understanding of what households own, collect, store and dispose of, nor... Read More about Stuff and space in the home: How can an understanding of material possessions help to inform spatial storage design in UK housing?.

The COVID-19 External Studio: Can this blended learning model be the future of an agile architectural-studio? (2021)
Preprint / Working Paper

The learning-by-doing studio environment has been redefined and transformed during COVID-19 and is now primarily delivered online. What before could have been considered an impossibility has now become the norm. Architecture schools all over the worl... Read More about The COVID-19 External Studio: Can this blended learning model be the future of an agile architectural-studio?.

Stuff and space in the home: An understanding of material possessions to inform spatial storage design (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

In the field of architecture, there has been little research on how the accumulation of material possessions is impacting on space for living in the home. There has been little understanding of what households own, collect, store and dispose of, nor... Read More about Stuff and space in the home: An understanding of material possessions to inform spatial storage design.