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Chris Silverthorne's Outputs (9)

Qualitative interview study of rheumatology patients’ experiences of COVID-19 shielding to explore the physical and psychological impact and identify associated support needs (2024)
Journal Article

Objective: Many clinically extremely vulnerable rheumatology patients have only recently ceased shielding from COVID-19, while some continue to minimise in-person contact. The objective of this study was to understand the impact of shielding and asso... Read More about Qualitative interview study of rheumatology patients’ experiences of COVID-19 shielding to explore the physical and psychological impact and identify associated support needs.

E038 A common measure of the impact of glucocorticoids in patients with inflammatory and autoimmune conditions - The Steroid PRO: A cross-cultural validation study with Rasch models (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Background/Aims Systemic glucocorticoids are key in the management of life- and organ-threatening rheumatic diseases, but have wide-ranging adverse effects of concern to patients and clinicians. We aimed to validate a Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) m... Read More about E038 A common measure of the impact of glucocorticoids in patients with inflammatory and autoimmune conditions - The Steroid PRO: A cross-cultural validation study with Rasch models.

Health professionals' perspectives on psychological distress and meeting patients' support needs in rheumatology care settings: A qualitative study (2023)
Journal Article

Background: Patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases (IRDs) face challenges including pain, fatigue and disease flares. Evidence suggests their levels of anxiety and depression are higher compared to the general population. Rheumatology teams re... Read More about Health professionals' perspectives on psychological distress and meeting patients' support needs in rheumatology care settings: A qualitative study.

P289 The effectiveness of interventions to reduce psychological distress in patients with autoimmune rheumatic conditions: A systematic review of effectiveness (2022)
Journal Article

Autoimmune rheumatic conditions are multisystem chronic disorders associated with increased psychological distress. Consequences include poor medication adherence and high levels of disease activity. Psychological interventions may r... Read More about P289 The effectiveness of interventions to reduce psychological distress in patients with autoimmune rheumatic conditions: A systematic review of effectiveness.