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Abhinesh Prabhakaran's Outputs (7)

Towards the European Commission's road safety goal of 'Vision Zero': Intended routes of the SOTERIA journey (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The emergence of complex urban mobility environments, where unknown interactions between different types of vulnerable road users (VRUs) and between VRUs and motorised vehicles, poses the need for a clear understanding of user behaviours, fair and op... Read More about Towards the European Commission's road safety goal of 'Vision Zero': Intended routes of the SOTERIA journey.

A systematic review of responsible sourcing in the architecture, engineering, and construction sectors of the UK (2023)
Journal Article

In recent years, responsible sourcing and procurement (including green supply chain management) across the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) sectors have become notable contributors to sustainable construction strategies. This study a... Read More about A systematic review of responsible sourcing in the architecture, engineering, and construction sectors of the UK.

Development of interactive and distributed virtual environments for immersive communication in the furniture, fixture and equipment sector (2023)

Despite the significance of the furniture fixture and equipment (FFE) sector to the UK’s economy and the construction industry, this sector faces challenges that impede its productivity and performance, including an inability to meet end-user expecta... Read More about Development of interactive and distributed virtual environments for immersive communication in the furniture, fixture and equipment sector.