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Towards the European Commission's road safety goal of 'Vision Zero': Intended routes of the SOTERIA journey

Booth, Colin A; Georgakis, Panagiotis; Magoutas, Babis; Sudhakaran, Gargy M; Abbey, Samuel J; Prabhakaran, Abhinesh; Bozinaki, Amalia; Gkountoumas, Filippos; Kiousi, Akrivi; Georgiou, Marina; Karvouniari-Matzakou, Dorine; Masegosa, Antonio D; Arriandiaga, Ander; Ros, Oliva G Cantú; Bueno-González, Jerónimo; Burrieza-Galán, Javier; Pohle, Maria; Strauzenberg, Nora; Hilse, Vanessa S; Günther, Susanne T; Pazuchanics, Alex; Poon, Crispian; Coskun, Itir; N´guer, Ousmane; Kamthe, Akshay; Taylor, Peter; Anderson, Ruth; Parnell, Katie; Taylor, Jason; Chandranesan, Nimalan; Siakantaris, Harris; Kostavara, Eirini; Davlias, Orestis; Maragkakis, Michail; Sangwan, Jayant; Benkic, Maruša; Russotto, Rémy; Digkas, Agis


Profile image of Colin Booth

Colin Booth
Professor of Smart and Sustainable Infrastructures

Panagiotis Georgakis

Babis Magoutas

Gargy M Sudhakaran

Profile image of Samuel Abbey

Samuel Abbey
Associate Director - Engineering Practice and Management/Associate Professor

Amalia Bozinaki

Filippos Gkountoumas

Akrivi Kiousi

Marina Georgiou

Dorine Karvouniari-Matzakou

Antonio D Masegosa

Ander Arriandiaga

Oliva G Cantú Ros

Jerónimo Bueno-González

Javier Burrieza-Galán

Maria Pohle

Nora Strauzenberg

Vanessa S Hilse

Susanne T Günther

Alex Pazuchanics

Crispian Poon

Itir Coskun

Ousmane N´guer

Akshay Kamthe

Peter Taylor

Ruth Anderson

Katie Parnell

Jason Taylor

Nimalan Chandranesan

Harris Siakantaris

Eirini Kostavara

Orestis Davlias

Michail Maragkakis

Jayant Sangwan

Maruša Benkic

Rémy Russotto

Agis Digkas


The emergence of complex urban mobility environments, where unknown interactions between different types of vulnerable road users (VRUs) and between VRUs and motorised vehicles, poses the need for a clear understanding of user behaviours, fair and optimised use of public spaces, as well as age-friendly urban safety action plans and assessments, capitalising on the benefits that technological innovations and the plethora of available data can offer in advanced accident analysis, towards achieving EU's 'Vision Zero' goal of zero fatalities on European roads by 2050. The SOTERIA Project aims to accelerate the attainment of this goal for VRUs through a holistic framework of innovative models, tools and services that enable data-driven road safety intelligence, facilitate safe travelling of VRUs and foster the safe integration of micro-mobility services in complex urban environments. At the operational level, the SOTERIA Project uncovers unexplored behavioural characteristics of VRUs and engages Living Lab communities (based in Germany, Greece, Spain and the United Kingdom) in social 2 innovation activities for the co-creation of urban safety solutions and infrastructure designs. Simulation models and explainable Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven analytics are developed for supporting policy decisions and informing interconnected services that support VRUs in safe and clean travelling. On-vehicle sensors and connectivity is fostered enabling minimisation of risky situations and behaviours. The approach will be validated in four thematic demonstrations within the SOTERIA network of cities (i.e. Chania, Dresden, Igoumenitsa, Leipzig, Madrid, Munich, Oxford, Wolverhampton), addressing different types of motorised VRUs (e.g. motorcycle, e-motorcycle, moped, e-moped, e-bicycle, e-scooter, hover-board (Segway), mobility scooter riders) and non-motorised VRUs (e.g. bicycle, scooter, skateboard and horse/pony riders, wheelchair users, babies/toddlers in prams, joggers, pedestrians). This article maps out the routes and inter-linkages of the activities and investigative axes that the project will take on its journey from 2022 to 2026, plus the expected impacts that will benchmark the project's successes.

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name International SEEDS conference 2023
Start Date Aug 29, 2023
End Date Aug 31, 2023
Acceptance Date May 29, 2023
Deposit Date Sep 18, 2023
Keywords Micro-mobility; Vulnerable Road Users; Road Traffic Accidents; Living Labs
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