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Dr Naimah Muhammed-Yakubu's Outputs (7)

A BIM-based information management schema for construction activities data-flow across the project life cycle (2023)

Excellent communication among project participants is critical to successful implementation of construction projects. However, the vast amount and variety of information and the physical dispersion of construction sites obstruct the flow and exchange... Read More about A BIM-based information management schema for construction activities data-flow across the project life cycle.

IoT for predictive assets monitoring and maintenance: An implementation strategy for the UK rail industry (2020)
Journal Article

With about 100% increase in rail service usage over the last 20 years, it is pertinent that rail infrastructure continues to function at an optimal level to avoid service disruptions, cancellations or delays due to unforeseen asset breakdown. In an e... Read More about IoT for predictive assets monitoring and maintenance: An implementation strategy for the UK rail industry.