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Nigel Newbutt's Outputs (13)

Participatory technology design for autism and cognitive disabilities: a narrative overview of issues and techniques. (2019)
Book Chapter

Abstract. Participatory design (PD) refers to the involvement of users in the design and development process. Those who may be identified as eventual users of such technology are often involved in the development process as testers or as informants.... Read More about Participatory technology design for autism and cognitive disabilities: a narrative overview of issues and techniques..

Case studies of users with neurodevelopmental disabilities: Showcasing their roles in early stages of VR training development (2019)
Book Chapter

In this chapter we will reflect on two projects that have enabled disabled groups to be involved in designing and influencing technology that will be used by them. In addition, we will reflect on the process, limitations, barriers and actual involve... Read More about Case studies of users with neurodevelopmental disabilities: Showcasing their roles in early stages of VR training development.

The acceptance, challenges, and future applications of wearable technology and virtual reality to support people with autism spectrum disorders (2017)
Book Chapter

This chapter provides a brief review of how virtual reality technologies (VRTs) have been used within research-contexts to support people on the autism spectrum. One area of innovation and research that has evolved since the mid-1990s to aid people w... Read More about The acceptance, challenges, and future applications of wearable technology and virtual reality to support people with autism spectrum disorders.