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Vanda Papafilippou's Outputs (6)

Identity work in the backstage: Exploring the role of expatriate bubbles in identity work of self-initiated expatriate engineers through a Goffmanian lens (2022)
Journal Article

Purpose: While there is vast research on expatriate adjustment, it is still known very little on how self-initiated expatriates (SIEs) in particular might cope with identity conflicts and how they engage with identity work. What is more, although the... Read More about Identity work in the backstage: Exploring the role of expatriate bubbles in identity work of self-initiated expatriate engineers through a Goffmanian lens.

Transitions from higher education to employment among recent graduates in England: Unequal chances of achieving desired possible selves (2018)
Book Chapter

This chapter uses the concept of possible selves to examine processes of making the transition from undergraduate study to the world of work in England, focusing specifically on career futures in the accountancy sector. Inequalities in access to high... Read More about Transitions from higher education to employment among recent graduates in England: Unequal chances of achieving desired possible selves.