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Andrew Adamatzky's Outputs (303)

On electrical correlates of physarum polycephalum spatial activity: Can we see physarum machine in the dark? (2011)
Journal Article

Plasmodium of Physarum polycephalum is a single cell visible by unaided eye, which spans sources of nutrients with its protoplasmic network. In a very simple experimental setup we recorded electric potential of the propagating plasmodium. We discover... Read More about On electrical correlates of physarum polycephalum spatial activity: Can we see physarum machine in the dark?.

On the internalisation, intraplasmodial carriage and excretion of metallic nanoparticles in the slime mould, Physarum polycephalum (2011)
Journal Article

The plasmodium of Physarum polycephalum is a large single cell visible with the naked eye. When inoculated on a substrate with attractants and repellents the plasmodium develops optimal networks of protoplasmic tubes which span sites of attractants (... Read More about On the internalisation, intraplasmodial carriage and excretion of metallic nanoparticles in the slime mould, Physarum polycephalum.

Stochastic automated search methods in cellular automata: The discovery of tens of thousands of glider guns (2010)
Journal Article

This paper deals with the spontaneous emergence of glider guns in cellular automata. An evolutionary search for glider guns with different parameters is described and other search techniques are also presented to provide a benchmark. We demonstrate t... Read More about Stochastic automated search methods in cellular automata: The discovery of tens of thousands of glider guns.