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Katherine Pollard's Outputs (2)

How do they measure up? Differences in stakeholder perceptions of quality measures used in English community nursing (2019)
Journal Article

© The Author(s) 2019. Objectives: To establish how quality indicators used in English community nursing are selected and applied, and their perceived usefulness to service users, commissioners and service providers. Methods: A qualitative multi-site... Read More about How do they measure up? Differences in stakeholder perceptions of quality measures used in English community nursing.

Preliminary piloting and validation of a questionnaire identifying basic clinical skills practised by research nurses (2019)
Journal Article

Clinical research nurses (CRNs) need to be competent in both clinical and research skills. In the past 10 years there has been increasing focus on developing the research competencies of CRNs. Employers, however, use the nurses’ registered status as... Read More about Preliminary piloting and validation of a questionnaire identifying basic clinical skills practised by research nurses.