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Dr Robin Thorn's Outputs (3)

Energy harvesting from plants using hybrid microbial fuel cells; potential applications and future exploitation (2024)
Journal Article

Microbial Fuel Cells (MFC) can be fuelled using biomass derived from dead plant material and can operate on plant produced chemicals such as sugars, carbohydrates, polysaccharides and cellulose, as well as being “fed” on a regular diet of primary bio... Read More about Energy harvesting from plants using hybrid microbial fuel cells; potential applications and future exploitation.

Gut bacteria promote proliferation in benign S/RG/C2 colorectal tumour cells, and promote proliferation, migration and invasion in malignant HCT116 cells (2023)
Journal Article

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a significant global health burden with a rising incidence worldwide. Distinct bacterial populations are associated with CRC development and progression, and it is thought that the relationship between CRC and associated gu... Read More about Gut bacteria promote proliferation in benign S/RG/C2 colorectal tumour cells, and promote proliferation, migration and invasion in malignant HCT116 cells.