Professor emeritus of Onomastics Richard Coates' Outputs (5)
Your City's Place-Names: Cambridge (2019)
The fourth in a new series of books from the English Place-Name Society focusing on English cities rather than counties. Interpretations published earlier (1943) by P. H. Reaney have been extensively reassessed and critiqued, and new material added.
Your City’s Place-Names: Bristol (2017)
The traditional dialect of Sussex (2010)
Part One consists of five chapters. Chapter 1 situates dialect, and dialect writing in particular, in relation to the history of the emergence of standard written English. Chapter 2 presents the contribution of academic linguists and philologists to... Read More about The traditional dialect of Sussex.
A place-name history of the parishes of Rottingdean and Ovingdean in Sussex (2010)
The title is self-explanatory. Approximately 800 local names in the two parishes are discussed and explained.