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Stephen Poole's Outputs (22)

4 ‘The instinct for hero worship works blindly’: English radical democrats and the problem of memorialization (2020)
Journal Article

Poole’s essay explores a number of historical precedents for today’s debates concerning statuary memorialization. Early-nineteenth-century radicals shared many of the same discussions and tactics that feature in modern controversies over memorial sta... Read More about 4 ‘The instinct for hero worship works blindly’: English radical democrats and the problem of memorialization.

A Knight’s Peril - Bodiam Castle (2015)
Digital Artefact

A film about A Knight's Peril - an interactive audio adventure at Bodiam Castle - A National Trust property in East Sussex, England.

Ghosts in the garden (2013)
Digital Artefact

Creating a real world game experience in the gardens of the Holburne Museum in Bath - bringing the halcyon days of this Georgian Pleasure Garden back to life using the magic of Special Listening Devices that tune people into the past.

'A lasting and salutary warning': Incendiarism, rural order and England's last scene of crime execution (2008)
Journal Article

Agricultural incendiarism was a perennial factor in social relations in some areas of nineteenth-century rural England and is often understood by historians as an expression of 'covert' social protest. However, such categorisation risks oversimplifyi... Read More about 'A lasting and salutary warning': Incendiarism, rural order and England's last scene of crime execution.

'Bringing great shame upon this city': Sodomy, the courts and the civic idiom in eighteenth-century Bristol (2007)
Journal Article

During the 1730s, Bristol acquired an unenviable reputation as a city in which sodomy was endemic and rarely punished by the civil power. Although the cause lay partly in difficulties experienced in securing convictions, the resolve of magistrates wa... Read More about 'Bringing great shame upon this city': Sodomy, the courts and the civic idiom in eighteenth-century Bristol.