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Hazel Beaumont's Outputs (3)

Is it possible to work out the lateral migration of preserved fluvial system through outcrop? (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

While channel migration has been the subject of many studies e.g. Bristow 1987, Best et al., 1993; Nardin et al., 2013; where migration has either been considered at a macro-scale with timeslices on seismic data or at a micro- scale on one or two mea... Read More about Is it possible to work out the lateral migration of preserved fluvial system through outcrop?.

Is it possible to work out the lateral migration of preserved fluvial system through outcrop? (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

While channel migration has been the subject of many studies e.g. Bristow 1987, Best et al., 1993; Nardin et al., 2013; where migration has either been considered at a macro-scale with timeslices on seismic data or at a micro- scale on one or two mea... Read More about Is it possible to work out the lateral migration of preserved fluvial system through outcrop?.