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Jenny Hill's Outputs (3)

Courageous and compassionate teaching: International reflections on our responses to teaching geography during the pandemic (2023)
Journal Article

This paper reflects on what we learnt about teaching geography during the COVID-19 pandemic. We interrogate how we, as geography educators working in different contexts, navigated the novel teaching spaces created during the pandemic using two key re... Read More about Courageous and compassionate teaching: International reflections on our responses to teaching geography during the pandemic.

The benefits and challenges of online learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons for future blended learning (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The online pivot caused by the COVID-19 pandemic required many staff to adapt their practices to digital learning environments. Whilst studies have reported the different approaches adopted, fewer have evaluated the resultant learning experience. In... Read More about The benefits and challenges of online learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons for future blended learning.