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Selen Kars' Outputs (8)

From magical thinking to being ‘pragmagic’: Narratives of wellbeing in health and care in England (2024)
Book Chapter

Accounts of wellbeing are traditionally understood as ‘rooted in social, caring relationships and traditional virtues of compassion, altruism and duty’ (Cieslik, Not smiling but frowning’: Sociology and the ‘problem of happiness’. Sociology, 49(3), 4... Read More about From magical thinking to being ‘pragmagic’: Narratives of wellbeing in health and care in England.

Is it all in the mindset? Team coaching, psychological capital and the collaborative development of an entrepreneurial mindset (2021)
Book Chapter

The changing nature of work attaches greater significance, by organisations, entrepreneurs and students alike, to the development of entrepreneurial capacities, with growing interest in entrepreneurial mindset and psychological capital (self-efficacy... Read More about Is it all in the mindset? Team coaching, psychological capital and the collaborative development of an entrepreneurial mindset.