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Biography Worked at the Universities of Hull, Middlesex, Witwatersrand, Bath and UWE between 1995 to present. My PhD from the University of Hull awarded in 2000, estimated racial earnings discrimination in post-Apartheid South Africa using decomposition methods. This resulted in several papers in development economics journals (e.g. Journal of Development Studies and Review of Development Economics).

Following my post-doctoral research fellowship at Middlesex University where I continued to publish from my thesis and produced work on gender discrimination in South Africa and across the European Union, I took up a role at the National Institute of Economic Policy, an NGO in Johannesburg, South Africa. During this time I undertook a number of projects for the Department of Labour on Casualisation, Informal Work Practices and measures of racial job discrimination and racial earnings discrimination and on gender earnings differences. This research contributed to progressive labour legislation in the 2000s.

During my time in South Africa I developed a research interest in happiness economics and when I returned to the UK focused on this theme during my time at the University of Bath who had recently been awarded the Well-Being in Developing Countries, ESRC funded Project. I have written a number of articles in this field that have focussed largely on Sub-Saharan African and Latin America countries (e.g. Social Indicators Research, Journal of Happiness Economics, Journal of International Development and Journal of African Economies).

Since working at UWE I have continued to publish in the area of happiness and life satisfaction (e.g. impact of robots on people's lives, how ethnic fractionalisation impacts on life satisfaction). I have also developed new research areas of interest in the causes and consequences of corruption and bribery in ex-communist countries, labour migration and values and culture. This has resulted in publications in leading journals including Public Choice, Journal of Comparative Economics, Economic Affairs, World Development Perspectives, Journal of Institutional Economics and Entrepreneurship & Regional Development.
Research Interests Racial and gender discrimination.
Economics of Happiness and Well-Being.
Corruption and Bribery.
Causes and consequences of trust, values and culture in various socio-economic settings.
Industrial Revolution 4.0.