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Dr Shine Win Naung's Outputs (24)

High-fidelity aeroelastic analysis of a wind turbine using a nonlinear frequency-domain solution method (2025)
Journal Article

This paper investigates the aeroelastic behaviour of a full wind turbine model with realistic blade vibration amplitude (9% span) using a nonlinear frequency-domain solution method. The primary objective is to demonstrate the computational efficiency... Read More about High-fidelity aeroelastic analysis of a wind turbine using a nonlinear frequency-domain solution method.

Numerical analysis of the performance of a composite marine propeller blade subject to structural blade oscillations (2023)
Journal Article

High-fidelity Large Eddy Simulations (LES) are conducted over the oscillating marine propeller blades to investigate the effects of blade oscillation on the unsteady flow behaviour as well as to analyse the performance of the composite marine propell... Read More about Numerical analysis of the performance of a composite marine propeller blade subject to structural blade oscillations.

Wake and power prediction of horizontal-axis wind farm under yaw-controlled conditions with machine learning (2023)
Journal Article

The main objective of this study is to employ the Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) machine learning algorithm to predict the power, wake, and turbulent characteristics of horizontal-axis wind farms under yaw-controlled conditions. For this purpose... Read More about Wake and power prediction of horizontal-axis wind farm under yaw-controlled conditions with machine learning.

Investigation of the strain rate sensitivity of CoCrFeMnNiTix(x = 0, 0.3) high-entropy alloys using the shear punch test (2023)
Journal Article

High entropy alloys (HEAs) are a novel class of metallic materials that exhibit a unique blend of properties due to their chemical composition and atomic arrangement. This research aims to investigate the strain rate sensitivity (SRS) of two HEA CoCr... Read More about Investigation of the strain rate sensitivity of CoCrFeMnNiTix(x = 0, 0.3) high-entropy alloys using the shear punch test.

Numerical investigation of the influence of acceleration and deceleration on the aerodynamic characteristics of an oscillating wing aerofoil operating at transonic and hypersonic speeds (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The aerodynamic characteristics of a hypersonic aircraft are strongly influenced by the accelerating and decelerating motions of the body. This impact can be more complicated when the oscillatory motion of the body in a complex non-linear mode is inv... Read More about Numerical investigation of the influence of acceleration and deceleration on the aerodynamic characteristics of an oscillating wing aerofoil operating at transonic and hypersonic speeds.

Direct numerical simulations of turbulent flow over low-pressure turbine blades with aeroelastic vibrations and inflow wakes (2023)
Journal Article

In the present work, direct numerical simulation is employed to investigate the unsteady flow characteristics and energy performance of low-pressure turbines (LPT) by considering the blades aeroelastic vibrations and inflow wakes. The effects of infl... Read More about Direct numerical simulations of turbulent flow over low-pressure turbine blades with aeroelastic vibrations and inflow wakes.

Computational and experimental investigation of the strain rate sensitivity of small punch testing of the high-entropy alloy CoCrFeMnNi (2022)
Journal Article

The suitability of determining the strain rate sensitivity (SRS) of the CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy (HEA) by small punch (SP) testing has been assessed at displacement rates ranging from 0.2 to 2 mm∙min−1. The stress was found to increase as the di... Read More about Computational and experimental investigation of the strain rate sensitivity of small punch testing of the high-entropy alloy CoCrFeMnNi.

Numerical investigation of aeroelasticity of wind turbines using a nonlinear frequency domain solution method (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

An extensive numerical investigation of the aeroelasticity of wind turbines is presented in the present paper. A highly efficient nonlinear frequency domain solution method is employed for this analysis. A complete wind turbine model including a towe... Read More about Numerical investigation of aeroelasticity of wind turbines using a nonlinear frequency domain solution method.

Direct numerical simulations of aerodynamic performance of wind turbine aerofoil by considering the blades active vibrations (2022)
Journal Article

In the present study, the aerodynamic performance of the horizontal-axis wind turbine blades by considering the flap-wise oscillations are numerically investigated by using direct numerical simulations (DNS). The details of flow structure can be anal... Read More about Direct numerical simulations of aerodynamic performance of wind turbine aerofoil by considering the blades active vibrations.

A novel hybrid control strategy of wind turbine wakes in tandem configuration to improve power production (2022)
Journal Article

The wind turbines that operate in the wake region of the upstream turbines produce less power and may suffer serious structural issues due to highly unsteady flows, which can reduce the life expectancy of the turbines. In this study, a novel hybrid w... Read More about A novel hybrid control strategy of wind turbine wakes in tandem configuration to improve power production.

Influence of blade vibrations on aerodynamic performance of axial compressor in gas turbine: Direct numerical simulation (2021)
Journal Article

Flutter instability because of the blade vibrations is a major problem in axial compressor cascades. This paper investigates the effects of blade oscillations on aerodynamic performance and turbulent flow characteristics of modern gas-turbine compres... Read More about Influence of blade vibrations on aerodynamic performance of axial compressor in gas turbine: Direct numerical simulation.

Prediction of flutter effects on transient flow structure and aeroelasticity of low-pressure turbine cascade using direct numerical simulations (2021)
Journal Article

The aerodynamic characteristics of advanced low-pressure turbines (LPTs) could be affected by the interaction between the transitional and turbulent flow and the dynamic behaviour of the blades. Consequently, analysing the details of the interactions... Read More about Prediction of flutter effects on transient flow structure and aeroelasticity of low-pressure turbine cascade using direct numerical simulations.

An experimental and numerical study on the aerodynamic performance of vibrating wind turbine blade with frequency-domain method (2021)
Journal Article

Abstract. A highly efficient nonlinear frequency-domain solution method is proposed and employed to investigate the aerodynamic and aeromechanical performances of an oscillating wind turbine blade aerofoil in this study. Extensive validations of a fr... Read More about An experimental and numerical study on the aerodynamic performance of vibrating wind turbine blade with frequency-domain method.

High-fidelity CFD simulations of two wind turbines in arrays using nonlinear frequency domain solution method (2021)
Journal Article

Aerodynamics of a wind turbine within windfarms is strongly influenced by the wake of neighbouring turbines. In particular, the performance of a wind turbine can be dramatically reduced depending on its location in the wake region of an upstream turb... Read More about High-fidelity CFD simulations of two wind turbines in arrays using nonlinear frequency domain solution method.

High-resolution direct numerical simulations of flow structure and aerodynamic performance of wind turbine airfoil at wide range of Reynolds numbers (2021)
Journal Article

The objective of this study is to develop direct numerical simulations (DNS) to investigate the aerodynamic performance, transition to turbulence, and to capture the laminar separation bubble occurring on a wind turbine blade. Simulations are conduct... Read More about High-resolution direct numerical simulations of flow structure and aerodynamic performance of wind turbine airfoil at wide range of Reynolds numbers.

Aeromechanical analysis of a complete wind turbine using nonlinear frequency domain solution method (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of a complete wind turbine model usually require significant computational resources. It will require much more resources if the fluid-structure interactions between the blade and the f... Read More about Aeromechanical analysis of a complete wind turbine using nonlinear frequency domain solution method.

Numerical investigation of the effect of flutter instability of the blade on the unsteady flow in a modern low-pressure turbine (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Modern aeronautical Low-Pressure Turbines (LPTs) are prone to aeroelastic instability problems such as flutter. The aerodynamic performance of a modern LPT is often influenced by the interaction between the transient flow and the dynamic behaviour of... Read More about Numerical investigation of the effect of flutter instability of the blade on the unsteady flow in a modern low-pressure turbine.

Nonlinear frequency domain solution method for aerodynamic and aeromechanical analysis of wind turbines (2020)
Journal Article

The aerodynamic simulations of wind turbines are typically carried out using a steady inflow condition. However, the aerodynamics and aeroelasticity of wind turbine blades can be significantly affected by inflow wakes due to the environmental conditi... Read More about Nonlinear frequency domain solution method for aerodynamic and aeromechanical analysis of wind turbines.