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Alice Moncaster's Outputs (9)

Demands, default options and definitions: How artefacts mediate sustainability in public housing projects in Sweden and Cyprus (2022)
Journal Article

Sustainable building design practices are influenced by requirements, guidelines, criteria for green procurement and certification, assessment tools such as life cycle assessment, etc. This study investigates how such artefacts support or define aspi... Read More about Demands, default options and definitions: How artefacts mediate sustainability in public housing projects in Sweden and Cyprus.

Modelling Chinese urban residential stock turnover uncertainties using system dynamics and Bayesian statistical inference (2022)
Book Chapter

Building stock turnover is one of the key determinants in building energy modelling and policy analysis. Building lifetime is integral to the dynamics of stock turnover. However in China, despite anecdotal claims that urban residential buildings are... Read More about Modelling Chinese urban residential stock turnover uncertainties using system dynamics and Bayesian statistical inference.

Using an analysis of concrete and cement EPD: Verification, selection, assessment, benchmarking and target setting (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The carbon embodied in buildings is an important proportion of our emissions and needs to be radically reduced in order to support climate change mitigation. The highest proportion of embodied carbon is usually emitted during the product stage, and w... Read More about Using an analysis of concrete and cement EPD: Verification, selection, assessment, benchmarking and target setting.