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Embodied carbon, embodied energy and renewable energy: A review of Environmental Product Declarations

Anderson, Jane; Moncaster, Alice


Jane Anderson

Profile image of Alice Moncaster

Alice Moncaster
Professor in Digital and Sustainable Construction


Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) to EN 15804 provide information about embodied carbon of construction products - their life cycle greenhouse gas emissions - alongside reporting use of renewable and non-renewable primary energy and secondary fuels amongst other environmental indicators. As the number of EPD to EN 15804 increase, they become a useful data resource to consider these impacts. As we move to reduce the embodied carbon of products, we also need to use renewable energy resources efficiently to allow the transition to net zero - this is due to the increasing demands on renewable energy to decarbonise industry, transport and domestic energy consumption and the limited capacity to expand renewable generation. This paper reviews published EPD data for structural and reinforcing steels, cement, bricks and structural timber products and considers, for the cradle to gate "product"life cycle stage, exploring the relationship of embodied carbon with embodied energy (total energy used), the balance of renewable and non-renewable energy, and the efficient use of energy. It finds, for bricks and timber, that EPD show products which use a greater percentage of renewable energy have higher embodied energy, suggesting a less efficient use of renewable energy for these products.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Dec 22, 2021
Online Publication Date Jun 10, 2022
Publication Date Dec 31, 2023
Deposit Date Jul 19, 2023
Publicly Available Date Jul 26, 2023
Journal Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings
Print ISSN 0965-0911
Electronic ISSN 1751-7702
Publisher Thomas Telford
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 176
Issue 12
Pages 986-997
Keywords Built environment; sustainability; statistical analysis; structural materials; embodied energy; energy efficiency; renewable energy; embodied carbon
Public URL
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