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All Outputs (66)

Hierarchies of professionalism in interprofessional partnerships for inclusion: Mapping the role and professional identities of early years educators (2024)
Book Chapter

Despite the rhetoric emphasising partnership working there has been a dearth of research related to the educational practices that reify interprofessional partnerships for young children with special educational needs. This doctoral study examined th... Read More about Hierarchies of professionalism in interprofessional partnerships for inclusion: Mapping the role and professional identities of early years educators.

Teacher training in England: Exploring trainee teachers' perspectives on their professional identity formation (2024)
Book Chapter

This chapter outlines research conducted by Karan Vickers-Hulse (KVH) as part of an educational professional doctorate; Marcus Witt (MW) was one of her supervisory team. Participants were from two initial teacher education (ITE) routes (School Direct... Read More about Teacher training in England: Exploring trainee teachers' perspectives on their professional identity formation.

The impact of symbolic violence on the perceived choices of trainee primary school teachers: A poetic perspective (2024)
Book Chapter

This chapter explores the theme of symbolic violence (Bourdieu, 2001; Thapar-Björkert et al., 2016), a central theme in my doctoral thesis.
My thesis looked at the experiences of a group of female undergraduate students in their first year of Initia... Read More about The impact of symbolic violence on the perceived choices of trainee primary school teachers: A poetic perspective.

Home language literacy learning as an extracurricular activity by pupils and parents: Do the findings warrant a case for introducing home language policy for primary education in England? (2024)
Book Chapter

Despite the fact that almost two million learners in state-funded schools in England learn English as an additional language DfE (2020), there is no official policy for developing home languages (HL), even though the use of HL in classrooms for acade... Read More about Home language literacy learning as an extracurricular activity by pupils and parents: Do the findings warrant a case for introducing home language policy for primary education in England?.

Critical perspectives on educational policies and professional identities: Lessons from doctoral studies (symposium) (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This symposium, which showcases an edited collection of work by recent UK doctoral graduates (Authors, forthcoming), begins with a short introduction setting the scene for the wider project. It demonstrates the unique contribution of ‘insider’, pract... Read More about Critical perspectives on educational policies and professional identities: Lessons from doctoral studies (symposium).

Voices from the deck: Lecturers’ and middle managers’ perceptions of effective FE sector professional development (2023)
Journal Article

This article discusses the findings of research into further education (FE) lecturers' and middle managers’ perceptions of what constitutes effective professional development. This focus addresses an area of paucity in the literature that requires at... Read More about Voices from the deck: Lecturers’ and middle managers’ perceptions of effective FE sector professional development.

Shaping the field of lifelong education through three critical debates in the International Journal of Lifelong Education (2023)
Journal Article

The editors approached the 40th anniversary of the International Journal of Lifelong Education as an opportunity to consider the field by exploring how a corpus of 1462 articles (the first 40 volumes of the journal) questioned and shaped the field. A... Read More about Shaping the field of lifelong education through three critical debates in the International Journal of Lifelong Education.

Lifelong education research over 40 years: Insights from the International journal of lifelong education (2022)
Journal Article

With this special issue of the International Journal of Lifelong Education, we complete a two-year celebration and critical examination of the field of adult lifelong education, prompted by the journal’s fortieth anniversary. In this editorial we pro... Read More about Lifelong education research over 40 years: Insights from the International journal of lifelong education.

Female undergraduates playing it 'safe' to stay 'safe': Further understanding sexual violence against women (2022)
Journal Article

Women’s safety from sexual violence whilst at university is a global issue and the UK is no exception. Whilst the authors of this paper acknowledge that sexual violence can occur across the gender spectrum, most sexual violence ‘victims’ are women an... Read More about Female undergraduates playing it 'safe' to stay 'safe': Further understanding sexual violence against women.

Discussing atypical sexual harassment as a controversial issue in bystander programmes: One UK campus study (2019)
Journal Article

This research emanates from an anti-sexual violence bystander programme delivered at an English university. Fifteen students were identified through purposive and convenience sampling to take part in focus groups. Discussions emerged regarding atypic... Read More about Discussing atypical sexual harassment as a controversial issue in bystander programmes: One UK campus study.

Challenging discourses of aspiration: The role of expectations and attainment in access to higher education (2018)
Journal Article

© 2018 British Educational Research Association Raising the proportion of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds progressing to higher education has been a key policy objective for successive governments in the UK since the late 1990s. Often thi... Read More about Challenging discourses of aspiration: The role of expectations and attainment in access to higher education.

Access, participation and capabilities: Theorising the contribution of university bursaries to students’ well-being, flourishing and success (2018)
Journal Article

For the last 10 years, universities in England have been expected to offer financial support to low-income students alongside that provided by government. These bursaries were initially conceived in terms of improving access for under-represented gro... Read More about Access, participation and capabilities: Theorising the contribution of university bursaries to students’ well-being, flourishing and success.