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Significant therapy events: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of psychotherapy with clients with intellectual disabilities (2019)

Background: Gradually, over the years, the type of treatments provided to clients with intellectual disabilities (IDs) has changed, with increasing access to different types of psychotherapy. Given the high prevalence of mental health difficulties of... Read More about Significant therapy events: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of psychotherapy with clients with intellectual disabilities.

'Changing culture? Thinking differently about disclosure' (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Presentation delivered at the College of Policing (January 2019) for a disclosure strategy training day, aimed at Assistant Chief Constables from police forces across England and Wales.

An integrated programme of exercise, self-management and active coping strategies for patients with knee osteoarthritis – a proof-of-concept study for a Hong Kong Chinese speaking population (2019)

Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is a degenerative joint disorder that affects the whole of the joint unit resulting in pain and decreased function. Current evidence recommends core management strategies of exercise, education for self-management and weight... Read More about An integrated programme of exercise, self-management and active coping strategies for patients with knee osteoarthritis – a proof-of-concept study for a Hong Kong Chinese speaking population.

Association between ultrasound assessment of glenohumeral subluxation and shoulder pain, muscle strength, active range of movement and upper limb function in people with stroke (2019)
Journal Article

Background: Glenohumeral subluxation (GHS) is a commonly reported post-stroke complication which has a negative effect on rehabilitation.
Objective: To explore the association between GHS and other clinical outcomes in people with post-stroke hemip... Read More about Association between ultrasound assessment of glenohumeral subluxation and shoulder pain, muscle strength, active range of movement and upper limb function in people with stroke.

Taking part in activities, an exploration of the role of discretionary travel in older people's wellbeing (2019)
Journal Article


Activity theory, a construct from social gerontology, provides a framework to bridge the themes of ageing and transport, and thus enable new insights into the role of out-of-home mobility for wellbeing. The theory proposes that undert... Read More about Taking part in activities, an exploration of the role of discretionary travel in older people's wellbeing.

Taking the pulse of environmental and fisheries law: The common fisheries policy, the habitats directive, and Brexit (2019)
Journal Article

There has long been a tension between environmental regulation and the European Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), which has been addressed over time through progressive reform of the CFP. It is now recognised that Member States may comply with their obl... Read More about Taking the pulse of environmental and fisheries law: The common fisheries policy, the habitats directive, and Brexit.