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Book Chapter
All Outputs (1651)
The Creative Class, Bohemians and Local Labor Market performance: A micro-data panel study for Germany 1975–2004 (2009)
Journal Article
The paper aims at testing Florida's concept of the Creative Class using panel data for 323 West German regions for the time period 1975 - 2004. Applying a dynamic system approach based on GMM, we find that the local concentration of the Creative Clas... Read More about The Creative Class, Bohemians and Local Labor Market performance: A micro-data panel study for Germany 1975–2004.
Peripherals of BES from processing current to data transmission (2009)
Book Chapter
Building donor loyalty (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
UK release practices for official microdata (2009)
Journal Article
This paper describes the principles and practices by which microdata collected by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) is made available to researchers. Access to detailed confidential microdata, often from official sources, is acknowledged to be... Read More about UK release practices for official microdata.
Origin and ownership: Stage, film and television adaptations of Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca (2009)
Book Chapter
This paper looks at the ways in which Daphne du Maurier's novelistic techniques, such as the point-of-view of the nameless heroine, the flashbacks and framing device, and the linguistic emphasis upon the English setting and country house, are adapted... Read More about Origin and ownership: Stage, film and television adaptations of Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca.
Quality of life and psychosocial adjustment to burn injury: Social functioning, body image, and health policy perspectives (2009)
Journal Article
This paper reviews four major topics related to the long-term psychosocial rehabilitation for burn survivors; (1) Body image adjustment process; (2) Social functioning challenges; (3) Interventions designed to address psychosocial rehabilitation chal... Read More about Quality of life and psychosocial adjustment to burn injury: Social functioning, body image, and health policy perspectives.
Science fiction, globalisation and the logic of capital (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Co-creativity: New ways of understanding 1950's fashion (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Suggesting that 'co-creativity' was always a driving force in consumer culture, and using 1950's fashion as an example, the presentation addresses issues about the development of creative practices such as fashion design, by suggesting that it is dri... Read More about Co-creativity: New ways of understanding 1950's fashion.
The electroencephalogram (EEG) and evoked potential studies (EPS) (2009)
Book Chapter
Financialization and changes in the social relations along commodity chains: The case of coffee (2009)
Journal Article
This article examines distributional implications of the restructuring of international coffee markets that has occurred since the collapse of the International Coffee Agreement in 1989 and market liberalization in coffee producing countries under st... Read More about Financialization and changes in the social relations along commodity chains: The case of coffee.
The adoption of downsizing during the Asian economic crisis (2009)
Journal Article
This study examines the adoption of downsizing during the Asian economic crisis. We use data from a large firm-level survey to examine and compare the adoption of downsizing by firms across sectors and across three countries - Indonesia, the Philippi... Read More about The adoption of downsizing during the Asian economic crisis.
Overcoming the barriers to installing property level flood protection: An overview of successful case studies (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Recent changes in the focus of flood risk management policy in the UK have led to an increased emphasis on making space for water. In the recognition that not all property at risk of flood can or will benefit from traditional engineered flood defence... Read More about Overcoming the barriers to installing property level flood protection: An overview of successful case studies.
The banking sector and CSR: An unholy alliance? (2009)
Journal Article
Corporate social responsibility (CSR), financial exclusion and banks are not happy bed fellows, yet their relationship and working partnership is essential to ensure financial security within a stable economy. The position of this paper is to context... Read More about The banking sector and CSR: An unholy alliance?.
The need for improved sensing technology for estimating emissions and concentrations of pollution at ground-level in the lower latitudes space for Africa (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Distribution of killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) and their HLA-C ligands in two Iranian populations (2009)
Journal Article
Killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) gene frequencies vary between populations and contribute to functional variation in immune responses to viruses, autoimmunity and reproductive success. This study describes the frequency distribution of... Read More about Distribution of killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) and their HLA-C ligands in two Iranian populations.
Perspectives of slave trade history using creative digital platforms (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
This presentation describes the process, production and context of Re:Interpretation, a participatory media project carried out by Firstborn Creatives in partnership with the National Trust. The brief was to explore the challenging subject of transa... Read More about Perspectives of slave trade history using creative digital platforms.
The eagle document: The new collection of enumerated things (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
The symposium was composed of presentations and live performances by Pil and Gallia Kollectiv, Ruth McLeanan, Wayne Lloyd, Judith Dean, Monika Oechsler, Anita Ponton, Uriel Orlow, Jonas Ranson-Christina Mitrentse and concluded with a panel discussion... Read More about The eagle document: The new collection of enumerated things.