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Towards development of a distributed virtual furniture, fixture and equipment shopping environment (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Purpose: -The dynamic consumer behaviour, as well as the current state of nationwide lock-down and social distancing mandates, has left retail industries like the Furniture Fixture and Equipment (FFE) sector under unprecedented disruption, leaving th... Read More about Towards development of a distributed virtual furniture, fixture and equipment shopping environment.

Supporting the role of universities in leading individual and societal transformation through education for sustainable development (2021)
Journal Article

There is growing recognition of the value of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) for all learners, and of the unique role that universities play in the transformation of individuals, institutions and societies towards more sustainable futures... Read More about Supporting the role of universities in leading individual and societal transformation through education for sustainable development.

Rainfall Prediction: A Comparative Analysis of Modern Machine Learning Algorithms for Time-Series Forecasting (2021)
Journal Article

Rainfall forecasting has gained utmost research relevance in recent times due to its complexities and persistent applications such as flood forecasting and monitoring of pollutant concentration levels, among others. Existing models use complex statis... Read More about Rainfall Prediction: A Comparative Analysis of Modern Machine Learning Algorithms for Time-Series Forecasting.

Barriers and facilitators to the administration of prehospital tranexamic acid: A paramedic interview study using the theoretical domains framework (2021)
Journal Article

BACKGROUND: Tranexamic acid (TXA) is an antifibrinolytic drug used to prevent bleeding. It was introduced as an intervention for post-traumatic haemorrhage across emergency medical services (EMS) in the UK during 2012. However, despite strong evidenc... Read More about Barriers and facilitators to the administration of prehospital tranexamic acid: A paramedic interview study using the theoretical domains framework.

Health care professionals’ views regarding chronic post cancer treatment pain in cancer survivors: understanding, experience and confidence (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Chronic post-cancer treatment pain (CPCTP) is pain caused by cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery (1). The prevalence of CPCTP affects many cancer ranges from 24 to 48% of people who have finished cancer t... Read More about Health care professionals’ views regarding chronic post cancer treatment pain in cancer survivors: understanding, experience and confidence.

‘Free men we stand under the flag of our land’: A transitivity analysis of African anthems as discourses of resistance against colonialism (2021)
Journal Article

Recent studies on colonial discourse have demonstrated that the speeches of freedom activists in colonial Africa served as sites of resistance. One key text type that has, however, been neglected in the critical literature on the discourse of emancip... Read More about ‘Free men we stand under the flag of our land’: A transitivity analysis of African anthems as discourses of resistance against colonialism.

Investigating emancipatory discourses in action: The need for an interventionist approach and an activist-scholar posture (2021)
Journal Article

This Special Issue provides a collection of cutting-edge research that examines discourses that serve emancipatory agendas by taking a social justice approach. To this end, the issue draws on data from Africa, Latin America, North America and the Ara... Read More about Investigating emancipatory discourses in action: The need for an interventionist approach and an activist-scholar posture.

Experimental study on early age characteristics of lime-GGBS-treated gypseous clays under wet-dry cycles (2021)
Journal Article

Gypseous soils are capable of presenting ground construction challenges to civil and geotechnical engineers due to their unpredictable deformation characteristics. These undesirable responses are sometimes caused by environmental changes in moisture... Read More about Experimental study on early age characteristics of lime-GGBS-treated gypseous clays under wet-dry cycles.