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Applicability of the CATCH, CHALICE and PECARN paediatric head injury clinical decision rules: Pilot data from a single Australian centre (2013)
Journal Article

Background Clinical decision rules (CDRs) for paediatric head injury (HI) exist to identify children at risk of traumatic brain injury. Those of the highest quality are the Canadian assessment of tomography for childhood head injury (CATCH), Children... Read More about Applicability of the CATCH, CHALICE and PECARN paediatric head injury clinical decision rules: Pilot data from a single Australian centre.

Reconceptualising the welfare state model: The rise of a ‘selective welfare state’ in the United Kingdom? (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This paper seeks to explore the emergence of a ‘selective welfare state’ in the United Kingdom under the prefecture of the current coalition government. It will be argued, that in light of fiscal austerity, the state has been compelled to reconceptua... Read More about Reconceptualising the welfare state model: The rise of a ‘selective welfare state’ in the United Kingdom?.

A pilot randomised controlled trial of a preconsultation web-based intervention to improve the care quality and clinical outcomes of diabetes outpatients (DIAT) (2013)
Journal Article

Introduction: Diabetes is a chronic condition associated with many long-term complications. People with diabetes need to actively manage their condition, which can be complex. In consultations with healthcare professionals, patients receive advice ab... Read More about A pilot randomised controlled trial of a preconsultation web-based intervention to improve the care quality and clinical outcomes of diabetes outpatients (DIAT).

Building a successful Olympic team selection protocol in women's handball: A case study examining the benefits of employing reflective practice (2013)
Journal Article

The sharing of applied practice offered in the current paper affords an opportunity to view how the use of reflective practice can serve as a problem-solving catalyst to a variety of issues raised during support provided to GB women's handball within... Read More about Building a successful Olympic team selection protocol in women's handball: A case study examining the benefits of employing reflective practice.