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On writing instability (2024)
Book Chapter

Abba examines the specific manners by which Ambient Literature is composed and experienced by a reader. Looking back to the canon of works produced under the project banner to date, and developing the Ambient Poetics proposed in 2016-18, he addresses... Read More about On writing instability.

50 years - Artists' books exhibitions in the UK & EIRE compiled for Vico’s Spiral: Half Century of Artists’ Books (2024)
Book Chapter

Vico’s Spiral: Half Century of Artists’ Books accompanies the exhibition of the same name, celebrating Center for Book Arts’ 50th Anniversary.

The publication features an introduction by Robbin Ami Silverberg, essays by Carole Naggar and Kinohi N... Read More about 50 years - Artists' books exhibitions in the UK & EIRE compiled for Vico’s Spiral: Half Century of Artists’ Books.

A ham carved by the sword of European imperialism: African views on the Berlin Conference from 1885 to the present (2024)
Book Chapter

This chapter introduces the trope of the 1884-5 Berlin Conference as a 'carve-up' of Africa -- whether as a cake or a ham -- especially in the writing of Nigerian pan-Africanist and anti-colonialist Nnamdi Azikiwe. The chapter also discusses early pa... Read More about A ham carved by the sword of European imperialism: African views on the Berlin Conference from 1885 to the present.

An uncomfortable truth? Rethinking the relationship between neoliberalism and the creative and cultural industries (2024)
Book Chapter

This chapter examines the profound interconnection between the creative and cultural industries (CCI) and neoliberal economic policies, highlighting the influence of such policies on the sector’s development, structural characteristics, and the chall... Read More about An uncomfortable truth? Rethinking the relationship between neoliberalism and the creative and cultural industries.

Ten statements on technics (2024)
Book Chapter

To understand how preeminent scholars and creative practitioners approach the topic of technology today, Nicholas Baer and Annie van den Oever invited them to reflect on a series of questions: What drew them to technology as a matter of inquiry, and... Read More about Ten statements on technics.

The pleasure of reading against: Embedding lifelong critical literacy from picturebooks to social media (2024)
Book Chapter

In almost all children’s literature somebody lies. Harry Potter is told by the Dursleys that his parents died in a car accident, Lyra believes Lord Asriel to be her uncle, and countless narrators in picturebooks contradict, at some level, the images... Read More about The pleasure of reading against: Embedding lifelong critical literacy from picturebooks to social media.