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All Outputs (35)

The Message (2022)
Book Chapter

How listening to 'The Message' by Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five in 1982, became a life changing class-conscious moment for a 10 year old boy.

The social vocabulary of Hidden Presence: British History and the need to talk through the silence and acknowledge true stories of African presence (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

When British spaces, rural and otherwise, are full of celebrated and re-told myths and legends – from sites such as Stonehenge through to character based fables such as Robin Hood – why do some resist to allow true stories, which are no less fantasti... Read More about The social vocabulary of Hidden Presence: British History and the need to talk through the silence and acknowledge true stories of African presence.

Hidden Presence: British history and the need to acknowledge true stories with African descendent casts (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

British culture is full of legend and folklore, yet true stories about the Black presence in pre-20th century UK, which on the surface are even more fantastical than fiction, struggles to find a place in the historical British narrative. The functi... Read More about Hidden Presence: British history and the need to acknowledge true stories with African descendent casts.

Walking interconnections: Researching the lived experience of disabled people for a sustainable society (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

‘Walking Interconnections’ is the name of a collaborative research project. As the name suggests, the project’s focus is on the ways in which walking, as an activity, can prompt the sharing of experiences between people. The interconnections we expl... Read More about Walking interconnections: Researching the lived experience of disabled people for a sustainable society.

Re:Interpretation: The representation of perspectives on slave trade history using creative media (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This presentation describes the process, production and context of Re:Interpretation, a participatory media project carried out by Firstborn Creatives in partnership with the National Trust. The brief was to explore the challenging subject of transa... Read More about Re:Interpretation: The representation of perspectives on slave trade history using creative media.

Reflections on partnership working: Case Study of BBC partnership with UWE photography programme (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This presentation discussed the partnership that was built between BBC Bristol and the UWE photography programme, which saw students working with BBC staff on the 'More Than Words' festival, producing imagery across the city. Reflections on the succ... Read More about Reflections on partnership working: Case Study of BBC partnership with UWE photography programme.

Adinkra Poster Series (2012)
Exhibition / Performance

These poster images are work in progress of a series of 54. They explore the Adinkra symbols which originate from Ghana, dating back to the pre-historic era. The symbols are still widely used by Ghanaians to the present day, as well as by the wider A... Read More about Adinkra Poster Series.

Real and Imagined Lives (2012)
Exhibition / Performance

Real and Imagined Lives explores identity through works drawn from the National Portrait Gallery Collection. Fictional character sketches written by well known authors accompany Tudor & Jacobean paintings of unknown sitters, while writers offer an a... Read More about Real and Imagined Lives.

Words Inside (2012)
Exhibition / Performance

Solo photography exhibition - This photography series is interested in marginalia – notes in the margins of books, and the other markings they carry that were not there when new. The photographs on display are a combination of my own books, and ones... Read More about Words Inside.

Roots & Wings (2012)
Exhibition / Performance

Touring group photography exhibition - 2012.
Locations included The Hawth, Crawley, Steel Shed Gallery in Barbados, Martinique art gallery, and Brighton Photo Fringe.

Curated and coordinated by Urban Flo Creative Consultancy, in partnership with... Read More about Roots & Wings.