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All Outputs (58)

DMRB flexible road pavement design using re-engineered expansive road subgrade materials with varying plasticity index (2022)
Journal Article

Pavement thickness is a very vital component during the design stage of a road construction project. Pavement design helps to determine the costs of the project over a certain period to ascertain how the cost of road pavement construction affect the... Read More about DMRB flexible road pavement design using re-engineered expansive road subgrade materials with varying plasticity index.

Road pavement thickness and construction depth optimization using treated and untreated artificially-synthesized expansive road subgrade materials with varying plasticity index (2022)
Journal Article

Road pavement thickness and their depth of construction take a chunk of the overall cost of road construction. This has called for a need for reduced road pavement thickness by improving the engineering properties of subgrade such as the California b... Read More about Road pavement thickness and construction depth optimization using treated and untreated artificially-synthesized expansive road subgrade materials with varying plasticity index.

Multiclass stand-alone and ensemble machine learning algorithms utilised to classify soils based on their physico-chemical characteristics (2021)
Journal Article

This study has provided an approach to classify soil using machine learning. Multiclass elements of stand-alone machine learning algorithms (i.e. logistic regression (LR) and artificial neural network (ANN)), decision tree ensembles (i.e. decision fo... Read More about Multiclass stand-alone and ensemble machine learning algorithms utilised to classify soils based on their physico-chemical characteristics.

Experimental study on early age characteristics of lime-GGBS-treated gypseous clays under wet-dry cycles (2021)
Journal Article

Gypseous soils are capable of presenting ground construction challenges to civil and geotechnical engineers due to their unpredictable deformation characteristics. These undesirable responses are sometimes caused by environmental changes in moisture... Read More about Experimental study on early age characteristics of lime-GGBS-treated gypseous clays under wet-dry cycles.

Improved prediction of clay soil expansion using machine learning algorithms and meta-heuristic dichotomous ensemble classifiers (2021)
Journal Article

Soil swelling-related disaster is considered as one of the most devastating geo-hazards in modern history. Hence, proper determination of a soil's ability to expand is very vital for achieving a secure and safe ground for infrastructures. Accordingly... Read More about Improved prediction of clay soil expansion using machine learning algorithms and meta-heuristic dichotomous ensemble classifiers.

Results of application of artificial neural networks in predicting geo-mechanical properties of stabilised clays - A Review (2021)
Journal Article

This study presents a literature review on the use of artificial neural networks in the prediction of geo-mechanical properties of stabilised clays. In this paper, the application of ANN in ge-otechnical analysis of clay stabilised with cement, lime,... Read More about Results of application of artificial neural networks in predicting geo-mechanical properties of stabilised clays - A Review.

Understanding the performance of expansive subgrade materials treated with non-traditional stabilisers: A review (2021)
Journal Article

13 Expansive soils are problematic soils which pose a risk to the safety of civil engineering 14 structures. These soils can be treated by compaction or by adding additives to the soil. 15 Where the strength and properties of expansive soil cannot be... Read More about Understanding the performance of expansive subgrade materials treated with non-traditional stabilisers: A review.

Machine learning regression and classification algorithms utilised for strength prediction of OPC/by-product materials improved soils (2021)
Journal Article

In this study, stand-alone machine (ML) models (Bayesian regressor (BLR), least square linear regressor (REG), artificial neural networks (ANN), and logistic regression (LR)), tree-ensemble ML models (boosted decision tree (BDT), random decision fore... Read More about Machine learning regression and classification algorithms utilised for strength prediction of OPC/by-product materials improved soils.

Consistency and mechanical properties of sustainable concrete blended with brick dust waste cementitious materials (2021)
Journal Article

The reuse of waste materials in civil engineering projects has become the topic for many researchers due to their economic and environmental benefits. In this study, brick dust waste (BDW) derived from cutting of masonry bricks and demolition waste w... Read More about Consistency and mechanical properties of sustainable concrete blended with brick dust waste cementitious materials.

Experimental study on the use of RoadCem blended with by-product cementitious materials for stabilisation of clay soils (2021)
Journal Article

This work presents an experimental study on the physical, mechanical and microstructural characteristics of two clay soils treated with by-product materials (GGBS and PFA) blended with a nano technology-based additive called RC (RC). The soils were i... Read More about Experimental study on the use of RoadCem blended with by-product cementitious materials for stabilisation of clay soils.

Microstructure and physical-mechanical characteristics of treated kaolin-bentonite mixture for application in compacted liner systems (2021)
Journal Article

Treated bentonite-rich soils used as liner materials in landfills may provide an effective solution to the problems of increased void ratios upon swelling at reduced suction as well as desiccation cracking when suction is increased during desaturatio... Read More about Microstructure and physical-mechanical characteristics of treated kaolin-bentonite mixture for application in compacted liner systems.

Appropriate use of lime in the study of the physicochemical behaviour of stabilised lateritic soil under continuous water ingress (2020)
Journal Article

Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Lime stabilisation is one of the traditional methods of improving the engineering properties of lateritic soils for use as subgrade and foundation materials for the construction of road pavements and highway embankm... Read More about Appropriate use of lime in the study of the physicochemical behaviour of stabilised lateritic soil under continuous water ingress.

Incorporation of a nanotechnology-based product in cementitious binders for sustainable mitigation of sulphate-induced heaving of stabilised soils (2020)
Journal Article

Sulphate-induced heaving in soils is a common problem caused mostly by the use of calcium-based binders in the stabilisation of sulphate-bearing soils. Sulphate-induced heaving is attributed to precipitation and growth of ettringite minerals in a hig... Read More about Incorporation of a nanotechnology-based product in cementitious binders for sustainable mitigation of sulphate-induced heaving of stabilised soils.

Mechanical properties and microstructure of fibre-reinforced clay blended with by-product cementitious materials (2020)
Journal Article

Clayey soils endure adverse changes in strength and volume due to seasonal changes in moisture content and temperature. It has been well recognised that high cement content has been successfully employed in improving the mechanical properties of clay... Read More about Mechanical properties and microstructure of fibre-reinforced clay blended with by-product cementitious materials.

Performance of clay stabilized by cementitious materials and inclusion of zeolite/alkaline metals-based additive (2020)
Journal Article

RoadCem (RC) is a by-product additive produced based on nanotechnology and comprises of synthetic zeolites and alkali earth metals as some of its components. The geotechnical properties of a soil stabilized by adding RC to partly replaced cementitiou... Read More about Performance of clay stabilized by cementitious materials and inclusion of zeolite/alkaline metals-based additive.