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All Outputs (41)

Enhanced heart sound classification using Mel frequency cepstral coefficients and comparative analysis of single vs. ensemble classifier strategies (2024)
Journal Article

This paper seeks to enhance the performance of Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs) for detecting abnormal heart sounds. Heart sounds are first pre-processed to remove noise and then segmented into S1, systole, S2, and diastole intervals, with... Read More about Enhanced heart sound classification using Mel frequency cepstral coefficients and comparative analysis of single vs. ensemble classifier strategies.

Enhancing healthcare IoT systems for diabetic patient monitoring: Integration of Harris Hawks and grasshopper optimization algorithms (2024)
Journal Article

The integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) in healthcare, especially for people with diabetes, allows for constant health monitoring. This means that doctors can watch over patients' health more closely, making sure they catch any issues early o... Read More about Enhancing healthcare IoT systems for diabetic patient monitoring: Integration of Harris Hawks and grasshopper optimization algorithms.

A secure routing approach based on league championship algorithm for wireless body sensor networks in healthcare (2023)
Journal Article

Patients must always communicate with their doctor for checking their health status. In recent years, wireless body sensor networks (WBSNs) has an important contribution in Healthcare. In these applications, energy-efficient and secure routing is rea... Read More about A secure routing approach based on league championship algorithm for wireless body sensor networks in healthcare.

Chatbot in E-learning (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

In many modern apps, especially those that provide the user intelligence help, the usage of chatbots is quite common. In reality, these systems frequently have chatbots that can read user inquiries and give the appropriate replies quickly and accurat... Read More about Chatbot in E-learning.

Development of a lightweight centralized authentication mechanism for the internet of things driven by fog (2022)
Journal Article

The rapid development of technology has made the Internet of Things an integral element of modern society. Modern Internet of Things’ implementations often use Fog computing, an offshoot of the Cloud computing that offers localized processing power a... Read More about Development of a lightweight centralized authentication mechanism for the internet of things driven by fog.

SecAODV: A Secure healthcare routing scheme based on hybrid cryptography in wireless body sensor networks (2022)
Journal Article

In recent decades, the use of sensors has dramatically grown to monitor human body activities and maintain the health status. In this application, routing and secure data transmission are very important to prevent the unauthorized access by attackers... Read More about SecAODV: A Secure healthcare routing scheme based on hybrid cryptography in wireless body sensor networks.

An energy-aware and Q-learning-based area coverage for oil pipeline monitoring systems using sensors and Internet of Things (2022)
Journal Article

Pipelines are the safest tools for transporting oil and gas. However, the environmental effects and sabotage of hostile people cause corrosion and decay of pipelines, which bring financial and environmental damages. Today, new technologies such as th... Read More about An energy-aware and Q-learning-based area coverage for oil pipeline monitoring systems using sensors and Internet of Things.

Roadmap to overcoming the challenges of cyber security and forensics education in the age of distance learning and the COVID-19 pandemic (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This paper focuses on developing a pedagogic roadmap to overcoming the challenges of delivering cyber security and forensics education in colleges and universities through distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research in this paper ide... Read More about Roadmap to overcoming the challenges of cyber security and forensics education in the age of distance learning and the COVID-19 pandemic.