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Task scheduling mechanisms for fog computing: A systematic survey

Hosseinzadeh, Mehdi; Azhir, Elham; Lansky, Jan; Mildeova, Stanislava; Ahmed, Omed Hassan; Malik, Mazhar Hussain; Khan, Faheem

Task scheduling mechanisms for fog computing: A systematic survey Thumbnail


Mehdi Hosseinzadeh

Elham Azhir

Jan Lansky

Stanislava Mildeova

Omed Hassan Ahmed

Faheem Khan


In the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem, some processing is done near data production sites at higher speeds without the need for high bandwidth by combining Fog Computing (FC) and cloud computing. Fog computing offers advantages for real-time systems that require high speed internet connectivity. Due to the limited resources of fog nodes, one of the most important challenges of FC is to meet dynamic needs in real-time. Therefore, one of the issues in the fog environment is the optimal assignment of tasks to fog nodes. An efficient scheduling algorithm should reduce various qualitative parameters such as cost and energy consumption, taking into account the heterogeneity of fog nodes and the commitment to perform tasks within their deadlines. This study provides a detailed taxonomy to gain a better understanding of the research issues and distinguishes important challenges in existing work. Therefore, a systematic overview of existing task scheduling techniques for cloud-fog environment, as well as their benefits and drawbacks, is presented in this article. Four main categories are introduced to study these techniques, including machine learning-based, heuristic-based, metaheuristic-based, and deterministic mechanisms. A number of papers are studied in each category. This survey also compares different task scheduling techniques in terms of execution time, resource utilization, delay, network bandwidth, energy consumption, execution deadline, response time, cost, uncertainty, and complexity. The outcomes revealed that 38% of the scheduling algorithms use metaheuristic-based mechanisms, 30% use heuristic-based, 23% use machine learning algorithms, and the other 9% use deterministic methods. The energy consumption is the most significant parameter addressed in most articles with a share of 19%. Finally, a number of important areas for improving the task scheduling methods in the FC in the future are presented.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 10, 2023
Online Publication Date May 18, 2023
Publication Date Jun 2, 2023
Deposit Date Jun 7, 2023
Publicly Available Date Jun 7, 2023
Journal IEEE Access
Electronic ISSN 2169-3536
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 11
Article Number 10129024
Pages 50994-51017
Keywords Fog computing, cloud computing, task scheduling, methods, quality of service
Public URL
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