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All Outputs (41)

There’s more to life than the monomyth: multiperspectival approaches to teaching narrative and story in university film and media departments (2024)
Journal Article

This article critiques the ongoing dominance of the Hollywood monomyth in the film and television industry, at least in the UK if not more widely. It considers how this is impacting on the teaching of narrative and story in university film and media... Read More about There’s more to life than the monomyth: multiperspectival approaches to teaching narrative and story in university film and media departments.

Polyphonic futures (2018)
Book Chapter

Game-Changing Documentarism engages in dialogue with more than 30 writers and stakeholders who lead the state-of-the-art documentary scene in Japan and abroad. The editor writes in the introduction to my article: "How will the documentary list living... Read More about Polyphonic futures.

Emplaced interaction and interactive documentary: Fighting algorithmic manipulation and filter bubbles with physical engagement (2017)
Journal Article

Whilst the problems of algorithmic manipulation and filter bubbles need to be addressed on several fronts, the strategy I am proposing here is that of “emplaced interaction.” When applied to interactive documentary, this is a strategy which marries t... Read More about Emplaced interaction and interactive documentary: Fighting algorithmic manipulation and filter bubbles with physical engagement.

Interactive documentary and thick description: Embracing complexity and transcultural understanding (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This paper builds on my work as a founding director of i-Docs ( and on my background in anthropology. It explores how Geertz’s concept of ‘thick description’ can be applied to interactive documentary as a tool for engaging with complexity... Read More about Interactive documentary and thick description: Embracing complexity and transcultural understanding.

From ‘embodied interaction’ to ‘emplaced interaction’: Thinking through the transformative potential of interactive documentary (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

In 2016, interactive pioneer Chris Milk launched his new company through an article on ‘The Future of Virtual Reality’, in which he called VR “the last medium” and claimed that it “will be more than just a storytelling platform. It will be a... Read More about From ‘embodied interaction’ to ‘emplaced interaction’: Thinking through the transformative potential of interactive documentary.