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Gender, intersectionality and labour process theory

Durbin, Susan; Conley, Hazel


Susan Durbin
Professor in Human Resource Management

Hazel Conley


Paul Thompson

Chris Smith


The intention of this book chapter is to revisit some of the key intersecting themes in relation to feminist and labour process theories to assess both continuity and change. As one might expect, there are some important shifts in how we think about work, especially in relation to gender. We have chosen to focus on emotional labour and intersectionality, which we believe have had a particular impact at different levels of a gendered labour process analysis. Whilst undoubtedly adding to our understanding, we argue that unpacking these concepts reveals that some familiar problems, notably in relation to skill and class, continue to surface.

Publication Date Jan 1, 2010
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 182-204
Series Title Critical Perspectives on Work and Employment
Book Title Working Life: renewing labour process analysis
ISBN 9780230222236
Keywords gender, intersectionality, emotional labour, labour process theory
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