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Introduction to special issue: The emerging role of universities in socio-economic development through knowledge networking

Saad, Mohammed; Zawdie, Girma


Mohammed Saad
Associate Lecturer - CBAL - BAM - UBAM0001

Girma Zawdie


This special issue explores the operationalization of the triple helix system in developing countries by examining the university-industry relationship and its implications for national and regional innovation systems. The five papers in this issue attempt to set in perspective the role of universities in capacity building in four developing countries (India, Mexico, Chile and Thailand). The papers are based on indepth case studies drawing on system theories such as the national and regional systems of innovation, national innovative capacity, and the triple helix system. They draw useful lessons of policy import for university managers and higher education policy-makers, local government officials and regional industry associations. They also underline the importance of policy initiatives for networking and collaboration between industry, university and government agencies. The key factors that would need to be taken into account by policy-makers and university authorities in order to ensure continuing, effective, working relationships with industry are also highlighted.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Feb 1, 2011
Journal Science and Public Policy
Print ISSN 0302-3427
Electronic ISSN 1471-5430
Publisher Oxford University Press (OUP)
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 38
Issue 1
Pages 3-6
Keywords university-industry relationship, socio-economic development, knowledge networking
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