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Gillray, Cruikshank & Thelwall: Visual satire, physiognomy and the Jacobin body

Poole, Steve

Gillray, Cruikshank & Thelwall: Visual satire, physiognomy and the Jacobin body Thumbnail


Stephen Poole
Professor in History and Heritage


In the years following his acquittal for High Treason in 1794, John Thelwall came to personify all that English loyalists most feared about the plebeian democrats of the London Corresponding Society. In loyalist discourse, he became at one and the same time, an intemperate but horribly effective Jacobin orator, and a covert conspirator working quietly behind the scenes to ally the Foxite opposition with the LCS and some of its insurrectionary fellow travellers. The apparent disjuncture in Thelwall's character between public bluster and private plotting presented a unique set of problems for loyalist caricature, explicitly demonstrated in the practice of the best known ministerial cartoonists of the period, Rowlandson, Cruikshank and Gillray. This essay explores some of the ways in which this dichotomy was resolved in visual culture, and assesses the impact of popular prints like these on the manufacturing of Thelwall's political reputation.

Journal Article Type Article
Deposit Date Nov 19, 2010
Publicly Available Date Nov 15, 2016
Journal Romantic Circles Praxis Series
Print ISSN 1528-8129
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords James Gillray, Isaac Cruikshank, John Thelwall, London Corresponding Society, radicalism, oratory, mutiny, Charles James Fox, Foxite Whigs, treason, sedition
Public URL
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Contract Date Nov 15, 2016


romantic_circles_essay.doc (122 Kb)

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