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The social construction of the meanings of price

Sparke, Sarah


Sarah Sparke


The activity of translating something into a monetary amount - the price - is central to markets. Yet we know remarkably little about the practice of pricing beyond theories of economic rationale or market positioning and, as a construct, price has remained largely within the economists? domain. This research pushes for and contributes towards the need for more substantive studies of pricing. With particular emphasis on money-meanings, this research applies prior socio-economic research in an examination of discourses of the pricing process in order to better understand pricing as a social and meaning-full activity. In its focus on pricers this research contributes to the call for more studies of supply-side meaning-making within markets, and addresses the consumer-focussed imbalance in previously published price research.

Thesis Type Thesis
Keywords price, pricing, money, meaning, art
Public URL
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Award Date May 1, 2012

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