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Urban Transport XVIII:
Urban transport and the environment in the 21st century

Longhurst, James; Brebbia, Carlos A.


Carlos A. Brebbia


This book contains the seventeenth proceedings of the annually held international conference on Urban Transport and the Environment.
The continuing requirements for better urban transport systems in general and the need for a healthier environment haves led to an increased level of research around the world. This is reflected in the proceedings of this well-established meeting which demonstrates the steady growth of research into urban transport systems. The variety of topics covered by the conference is of primary importance for analysing the complex interactions of the urban transport environment and for establishing action strategies for transport and traffic problems.
The topics covered in this book include: Environmental impact; Environmentally friendly transport modes; Public transport systems; Transport modelling and simulation; Urban transport management; Transport safety and security; Infrastructure; Land use and transport integration.

Book Type Authored Book
Publication Date Jun 1, 2012
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 128
Series Title WIT Transactions on The Built Environment
ISBN 9781845645809
Keywords urban transport planning and management, transportation demand analysis, traffic integration and control, intelligent transport systems; transport modelling and simulation, land use and transport integration, public transportation systems, environmental and ecological aspects, air and noise pollution, safety and security, energy and transport fuels, economic and social impact, advanced transport systems
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