Dr Charlotte Crofts Charlotte.Crofts@uwe.ac.uk
Professor in Film and Journalism
‘City Strata’ is a new mobile authoring platform which enables developers to create different heritage ‘layers’ or ways of experiencing the city, that their users can then enhance by uploading their own content. Behind the scenes, the platform innovates by drawing content from a remote geo-database that relates to your specific location – this means that more information can be accessed locally than can fit into a normal app, making it scalable for urban, national or even international content.
The platform was developed during the AHRC REACT Hub 'Heritage Sandbox' scheme in collaboration with creative economy partner Jo Reid at Calvium who used the sandbox process to explore how this functionality could enhance their AppFurnace app development tool with a new capability. Research and development was undertaken to explore streaming data live into an app from a GIS database, contributing to the GIS database form within the app, background location tracking, authoring multiple hotspots and push notifications. The platform is at proof of concept stage and we are seeking further funding to test the scalability of the app to develop other cultural layers and other cities.
Other Type | Other |
Publicly Available Date | Jun 7, 2019 |
Peer Reviewed | Not Peer Reviewed |
Keywords | Calvium, AppFurnace, cinemapping, citystrata, mobile technologies, app authoring, app development, new media, pervasive media, digital humanities, heritage |
Public URL | https://uwe-repository.worktribe.com/output/943525 |
Publisher URL | http://www.citystrata.co.uk |
Additional Information | Additional Information : Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), REACT (Research and Enterprise in Arts and Creative Technology) is one of four UK Knowledge Exchange Hubs for the Creative Economy and is a collaboration between UWE Bristol (the University of the West of England ), Watershed and the Universities of Bath , Bristol , Cardiff and Exeter . Corporate Creators : Calvium.com |
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Raising Cary Grant, The Bristol Footsteps of Archie Leach
Exhibition / Performance
Walking in Cary Grant's footsteps: The looking for Archie walking tour
Book Chapter
Coming or going?: Angela Carter’s itinerant subjectivity in “The Quilt Maker”
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Angela Carter’s place-making: memorialising an iconoclast?
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About UWE Bristol Research Repository
Administrator e-mail: repository@uwe.ac.uk
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