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Comparing and presenting city-level transportation CO2 emissions using GIS

Waygood, Edward Owen D.; Waygood, Edward Owen D; Chatterton, Tim; Avineri, Erel


Edward Owen D. Waygood

Edward Owen D Waygood

Tim Chatterton

Erel Avineri


In 2011, the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) inventory of diffuse emissions became available, providing data on a range of atmospheric emissions at a 5km resolution across Europe. The data are produced from spatially disaggregated emissions totals for countries, and must be validated before being used at a sub-national level. The UK government maintains a 1km resolution emissions inventory based on a bottom-up methodology by which a validation is possible. The UK National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory data are used to assess at what geographic scale the new E-PRTR data might be most useful. This paper compares the two data sets and estimates city-level transportation CO2 emissions for 149 EU cities. We find that at a functional boundary level the two datasets match well. © 2013.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Jan 1, 2013
Journal Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
Print ISSN 1361-9209
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Volume 24
Pages 127-134
Keywords CO2 emissions, urban environment functional boundary level, european union, transport, cities
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