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Fatigue deterioration process of brick masonry

Tomor, Adrienn; De Santis, S; Wang, J


Adrienn Tomor

S De Santis

J Wang


In order to develop greater understanding of the long-term fatigue deterioration process of masonry structures, e.g. bridges, the effects of quasi-static and high-cycle fatigue loading have been studied through a series of small-scale laboratory test samples. With the help of acoustic emission monitoring, stages of the damage accumulation processes have been investigated under compression and shear for brick masonry. The relationship between stress level and fatigue life was characterised through S-N type curves and mathematical models. The concept of fatigue and permissibility limit were discussed and related to practical application. Methodology for assessing the life expectancy of masonry structures was demonstrated for masonry arch bridges with potential for wider application.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Nov 1, 2013
Journal Masonry International
Print ISSN 0950-2289
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Volume 26
Issue 2
Pages 41-48
Keywords deteriorstion, brick masonry
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