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Serena Joy

Bodman, Sarah L.; Bernstein, Kate; Duignan, Lilla; Thames, Angela; Fowler, Stephen; Caves, Julie; Campbell, Nancy; Williams, Linda; Apps, Karen; Bently, John; Butler, Si; Grainger, Hazel; Webb, Cathey; Round, Kathy; Cartwright, Catherine; Nicholson, Mike; Welch, Corinne; Pierce, Karen F.; Chinea, Sally; Dixon, Jeremy; van Ohlen, Ahlrich; Butler, Angie; Juchnowicz, Anna; Featherstone, Sarah; Hejdstr�m, Eva; Smith, Simon; Ambeck, Mette-Sofie D.; Fahy, Su; Allsebrook, Janet; Hearn, Paul; Hearn, Maddy; Simpson, Gwen; Elgerot, Sara; Plake, Bernd W.; Rastello, Martine; Maufe, Imi; Cradock-Watson, Jane; Allsebrook, Helen; Perera, Sumi

Serena Joy Thumbnail


Kate Bernstein

Lilla Duignan

Angela Thames

Stephen Fowler

Julie Caves

Nancy Campbell

Linda Williams

Karen Apps

John Bently

Si Butler

Hazel Grainger

Cathey Webb

Kathy Round

Catherine Cartwright

Mike Nicholson

Corinne Welch

Karen F. Pierce

Sally Chinea

Jeremy Dixon

Ahlrich van Ohlen

Angie Butler

Anna Juchnowicz

Sarah Featherstone

Eva Hejdstr�m

Simon Smith

Mette-Sofie D. Ambeck

Su Fahy

Janet Allsebrook

Paul Hearn

Maddy Hearn

Gwen Simpson

Sara Elgerot

Bernd W. Plake

Martine Rastello

Imi Maufe

Jane Cradock-Watson

Helen Allsebrook

Sumi Perera


2016 World Book Night collaborative book and video. Our set book this year was chosen by the artist John Bently, who also wrote and performed a tribute ‘sermon’ on the night. Forty artists read 'The Handmaid’s Tale' by Margaret Atwood, and then designed rubber stamp artwork for us to print as the 'Serena Joy' artist’s book/folio. 43 rubber stamps were sent in to us from: Denmark, France, Germany, Norway, Poland, Sweden and all over the UK.
Sixteen of us travelled to Halifax, where we printed the 43 artworks, each in an edition of 50 and assembled them into ‘Serena Joy’ boxes and made a short film in the evening.
The stampers present were: Helen Allsebrook, Janet Allsebrook, Mette-Sofie D. Ambeck, John Bently, Kate Bernstein, Sarah Bodman, Angie Butler, Si Butler, Nancy Campbell, Jeremy Dixon, Stephen Fowler, Mike Nicholson, Kathy Round, Gwen Simpson, Simon Smith and Linda Williams. A full ist of contributors and their artworks can be viewed at:

Digital Artefact Type Other
Conference Name Serena Joy
Start Date Apr 23, 2016
End Date Apr 23, 2016
Publication Date Jan 1, 2016
Publicly Available Date Jun 7, 2019
Keywords artists' books, printmaking, world book night, The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood, editions, rubber stamps
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