Michele Biddle Michele.Biddle@uwe.ac.uk
Research Fellow in Public Health
Michele Biddle Michele.Biddle@uwe.ac.uk
Research Fellow in Public Health
Andy Gibson Andy.Gibson@uwe.ac.uk
Associate Professor in Patient and Public Involve
David Evans David9.Evans@uwe.ac.uk
Professor in Health Services Research
Sally Grier
Alasdair MacGowan
Patient and public involvement (PPI) in antimicrobial medicines development research is a new and challenging area. We aim to share some of the barriers and strategies to developing a toolkit to support PPI in this area. The PPI toolkit development is part of COMBACTE-MAGNET, a European project funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking (www.imi.europa.eu) to seek new ways of treating multi-resistant bacterial infections.
Why is it important and to whom?
There is currently no literature focusing on PPI in antimicrobial medicines development research. The toolkit addresses the need for evidence-based guidance on how to carry out PPI throughout the antimicrobial medicines development lifecycle. Learning from the toolkit development process will be important to researchers, PPI leads, and patient and public contributors who are interested in developing PPI in new and/or challenging clinical areas.
What difference has, or could, this project make?
The toolkit will showcase the importance of PPI in antimicrobial medicines development research, to change perception and increase the receptivity of various stakeholders, including pharmaceutical companies, towards PPI. This is intended to result in the establishment or improvement of PPI-related policies in this area, with the toolkit serving as a practical guide on how to conduct and evaluate PPI.
Key learning points
Delegates will learn about the challenges of developing a toolkit with European collaborators in an area of research that is driven by the pharmaceutical industry, with little/no experience of PPI to date, due to concerns about its complexities and confidentiality issues. They will also learn about strategies that can facilitate the toolkit development process, which may be useful for their own projects.
Presentation Conference Type | Poster |
Conference Name | INVOLVE at 21 |
Start Date | Nov 28, 2017 |
End Date | Nov 28, 2017 |
Acceptance Date | May 27, 2017 |
Publication Date | Nov 28, 2017 |
Deposit Date | Nov 30, 2017 |
Publicly Available Date | Nov 30, 2017 |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Keywords | patient involvement, antimicrobial research, medicines development |
Public URL | https://uwe-repository.worktribe.com/output/878034 |
Additional Information | Title of Conference or Conference Proceedings : NIHR INVOLVE Conference 2017 |
Contract Date | Nov 30, 2017 |
INVOLVE Conference 2017_MK_poster_final.pdf
(749 Kb)
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