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Disabled children’s childhood studies and leadership as experts by experience: Learning activism in health and social care education

Curran, Tillie; Sayers, Ruth; Percy-Smith, Barry


Tillie Curran
Occasional Associate Lecturer - CATE - ENG

Ruth Sayers

Barry Percy-Smith


Katherine Runswick-Cole

Kirsty Liddiard


People involved in disabled children’s childhood studies, and others who contribute their experience of using health and social care services, strongly object to being seen by professionals as ‘the problem’. In contrast Experts by Experience involved in a leadership project used strategies of mutual support towards change. We see learning activism as core to a professional practice that is also about change and explore critical pedagogy for students to directly experience such collaborative ways of working. The chapter begins and ends with reflections by the authors on sharing their personal and political concerns as part of collaborative learning encouraged by the opportunities to join and support the voices of disabled children and their families.

Publication Date Jan 3, 2018
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Book Title The Palgrave Handbook of Disabled CHildren's Childhood Studies
ISBN 9781137544469
Keywords experts by experience, leadership, learning activism
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