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Gunning, Lucy; Jones, Sarah; Genoves, Ana


Lucy Gunning

Sarah Jones

Ana Genoves


Judith Dean, Lucy Gunning, Sarah Jones, Ana Genoves
Rights Holder


A collaborative residency at Studio D, London, with Ana Genoves, Lucy Gunning, Sarah Jones. It was concerned with researching modes of collaboration, production, exhibition and audience, and involved diverse methodologies, including both existing and new work / work in progress, performance, painting, sculpture, video, sound and installation. After a total of 13.5 hours in StudioD over the 3 month period, a further 8 artists (Brian Griffiths, Liz Wright, Giorgio Sadotti, Martin Westwood, Damien Meade, Megan Watkins, Joey Bryniarska, Anna Best) contributed to the residency as co-collaborators / artists in residence on its last day, Sunday 1st July 2018, for an uncertain hour, 11-4pm.

Digital Artefact Type Other
Conference Name StudioD
Start Date Apr 7, 2019
End Date Jul 1, 2018
Keywords collaboration, residency, installation, painting, sculpture, performance, sound, video, audience
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