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Supporting patients with body dissatisfaction: A survey of the experiences and training needs of european multi-disciplinary healthcare professionals

Williamson, Heidi; Antonelli, Paolo; Bringsen, Asa; Davies, Gareth; Detorre, Davide; Harcourt, Diana; Hedin, Gita; Jurgutis, Arnoldas; Tural, Umit; Ayse, Yalcin; Persson, Martin

Supporting patients with body dissatisfaction: A survey of the experiences and training needs of european multi-disciplinary healthcare professionals Thumbnail


Heidi Williamson
Associate Professor in Applied Health Research

Paolo Antonelli

Asa Bringsen

Gareth Davies

Davide Detorre

Diana Harcourt
Professor in Appearance Research

Gita Hedin

Arnoldas Jurgutis

Umit Tural

Yalcin Ayse

Martin Persson


© 2018 The Authors Appearance-related concerns resulting from disfigurement or pressure to conform to beauty ideals, indiscriminately affect patients’ mental and physical health. Healthcare professionals face the challenge of addressing patients’ support needs. Therefore a European University Consortium developed a course to address learning needs. Prior to its design, a study with multi-disciplinary European healthcare professionals was conducted to maximize its relevance and acceptability. Healthcare professionals (n = 718; 48% nurses, 30% doctors, 22% allied health professionals) were surveyed regarding the nature and impact of patients’ appearance concerns, confidence in key areas associated with detecting/addressing concerns, and training/educational needs. Participants reported that this subject is highly relevant and 70% described the psychosocial impact of appearance concerns across the lifespan resulting from disfiguring conditions, disability, neurological disease, ageing and weight/shape dissatisfaction. Participants, irrespective of their experience, self-reported inadequate knowledge regarding appearance-specific care, 87% requested further information and 70% wanted access to an accredited course; barriers deterring participation in training were identified. Healthcare professionals across multiple specialties are caring for patients with a wide-range of appearance concerns that impact on physical and mental health and want to increase their appearance-specific knowledge and expertise. Results have informed training/courses which have the potential to improve patient care and ameliorate health-related outcomes.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 23, 2018
Online Publication Date May 24, 2018
Publication Date Jan 1, 2018
Deposit Date May 25, 2018
Publicly Available Date May 25, 2018
Journal NursingPlus Open
Print ISSN 2352-9008
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 4
Pages 8-13
Keywords body image dissatisfaction, health professional, training, body image, visible difference
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date May 25, 2018


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