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Working with patients and members of the public: Informing health economics in child health research

Kandiyali, Rebecca; Hawton, Annie; Cabral, Christie; Mytton, Julie; Shilling, Valerie; Morris, Christopher; Ingram, Jenny

Working with patients and members of the public: Informing health economics in child health research Thumbnail


Rebecca Kandiyali

Annie Hawton

Christie Cabral

Valerie Shilling

Christopher Morris

Jenny Ingram


This paper considers patient and public involvement (PPI) in health economics research and how this might be facilitated. PPI refers to research carried out ‘with’ or ‘by’ members of the public and is now an important aspect of health research policies internationally. Patients and members of the public can be involved in all stages of the research cycle, from establishing whether the topic is important to influencing details of study design, wording of patient-facing documentation and interpretation and dissemination of findings. PPI has become commonplace in health services research. In the context of clinical trials, it has become imperative, with, for example, patients and members of the public informing the selection of outcome measures and recruitment methods, and qualitative research is frequently steered by PPI input regarding the content of interview topic guides and the interpretation of study findings. It is less common for PPI to be explicitly reported in the economic components of health services research. However, we argue that involvement is no less important in this area. The fundamental rationale for involving people in research is that it promotes democratic principles, research quality and relevance to service users. These arguments equally apply to health economics as to other health research disciplines. Our overarching aim in this paper is to show how health economic research might be informed by PPI. We report our experiences of PPI via case studies in child health, reflect on our learnings, and make suggestions for future research practice.

Plain Language Summary
This paper considers how to involve patients and members of the public in health economics research. Health economists often carry out research into the value for money (sometimes called ‘cost effectiveness’) of new ways of treating people. This can help in decisions about which treatments are publically funded. In an economic evaluation, the economist identifies and values the key things used to treat someone who is unwell. They also have to measure how unwell that person is and whether their health changes with treatment. They do this by asking them questions about how they rate specific aspects of their health. Economists compare costs and health outcomes of different treatments. Patient and public involvement in health research is really important because the public fund health systems (through taxation in the UK) and benefit from healthcare. This paper shares our ideas on and experiences involving the public in health economic research studies. All our examples come from the involvement of children and/or parents. We think our approaches would also apply to adults.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 7, 2018
Online Publication Date Oct 15, 2018
Publication Date Jun 1, 2019
Deposit Date Sep 19, 2018
Publicly Available Date Sep 11, 2019
Journal PharmacoEconomics - Open
Print ISSN 2509-4262
Publisher Springer (part of Springer Nature)
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 3
Issue 2
Pages 133-141
Keywords patient and public involvement, health economics
Public URL
Contract Date Sep 19, 2018


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