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ImaYDiT - Imagining young disabled people's transitions in a time of major societal change: Research project report

Jones, Mat; Curran, Tillie; Ferguson, Sarah; Reed, Mary; Cull, Nikki; Lawrence, Abbie-Jo; Stabb, Matt; Bryan, Ben; Buchan, Finlay; Coulson, Anna; Fry, Thomas; Allen, Lucy; Bevins, Toby; Baxter, Liam; Wolfe, Lauren; Paterson, Zachery

ImaYDiT - Imagining young disabled people's transitions in a time of major societal change: Research project report Thumbnail


Profile image of Mathew Jones

Mathew Jones
Professor of Public Health

Tillie Curran
Occasional Associate Lecturer - CATE - ENG

Sarah Ferguson

Mary Reed

Nikki Cull

Abbie-Jo Lawrence

Matt Stabb

Ben Bryan

Finlay Buchan

Anna Coulson

Thomas Fry

Lucy Allen

Toby Bevins

Liam Baxter

Lauren Wolfe

Zachery Paterson


ImaYDiT was funded by DRILL – Disability Research for Independent Living and Learning. This is supported by the Big Lottery Fund. WiltsCIL staff, members of WiltsCIL Coproduction
Group and researchers at UWE came up with the original idea for this project.

We wanted to support young disabled people to explore and re-imagine their adult lives and have the best future. This involved taking an ‘assets-based’ approach. This is where we focus on what people can do- rather than what they can’t do – which is a ‘deficit approach’. We also thought that there is not enough research about the whole of young disabled people’s lives. Instead a lot of research only concentrates on transitions through the benefits and service system.

Wiltshire Social Services and the Wiltshire Parent Council helped steer the project because, where we could, we also wanted to put young disabled people’s hopes and dreams into action.

We want to understand how this group of young disabled people can be supported to become the next generation who are aware of their rights, with ambitions for their futures and able to establish meaningful and independent adult lives.

Report Type Project Report
Publication Date Nov 28, 2018
Deposit Date Dec 11, 2018
Publicly Available Date Dec 11, 2018
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Keywords young people, co-production, disability, community development, futurity, transitions, assets-based practice
Public URL
Contract Date Dec 11, 2018


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