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Standards for the diagnosis and management of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: Results of a European Pain Federation task force

Goebel, Andreas; Barker, Chris; Birklein, Frank; Brunner, Florian; Casale, Roberto; Eccleston, Chris; Eisenberg, E.; McCabe, Candy; Moseley, G. Lorimer; Perez, R.; Perrot, Serge; Terkelsen, Astrid; Thomassen, Ilona; Zyluk, Andrzey; Wells, Chris

Standards for the diagnosis and management of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: Results of a European Pain Federation task force Thumbnail


Andreas Goebel

Chris Barker

Frank Birklein

Florian Brunner

Roberto Casale

Chris Eccleston

E. Eisenberg

Candy McCabe
Professor of Clinical Research and Practice

G. Lorimer Moseley

R. Perez

Serge Perrot

Astrid Terkelsen

Ilona Thomassen

Andrzey Zyluk

Chris Wells


Background: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is a painful and disabling post-traumatic primary pain disorder. Acute and chronic CRPS are major clinical challenges. In Europe progress is hampered by significant heterogeneity in clinical practice. We sought to establish standards for the diagnosis and management of CPRS.
Methods: The European Pain Federation established a pan-European task force of experts in CRPS who followed a four-stage consensus challenge process to produce mandatory quality standards worded as grammatically imperative (must-do) statements.
Results: We developed 17 standards in 8 areas of care. There are 2 standards in diagnosis, 1 in multi-disciplinary care, 1 on assessment, 3 for care pathways, 1 on information and education, 4 in pain management, 3 in physical rehabilitation, and 2 on distress management. The standards are presented, summarised, and their generation and consequences discussed. Also presented are domains of practice for which no agreement on a standard could be reached. Areas of research needed to improve the validity and uptake of these standards are discussed.
Conclusion: The European Pain Federation task force present 17 standards of the diagnosis and management of CPRS for use in Europe. These are considered achievable for most countries, and aspirational for a minority of countries depending on their healthcare resource and structures.
Significance: This position statement summarizes expert opinion on acceptable standards for CRPS care in Europe.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Dec 12, 2018
Online Publication Date Jan 8, 2019
Publication Date Apr 1, 2019
Deposit Date Jan 15, 2019
Publicly Available Date Apr 15, 2019
Journal European Journal of Pain
Print ISSN 1090-3801
Electronic ISSN 1532-2149
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 23
Issue 4
Pages 641-651
Keywords Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, standards of care
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Additional Information Additional Information : This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: [Goebel, A., Barker, C., Birklein, F., Brunner, F., Casale, R., Eccleston, C., Eisenberg, E., McCabe, C., Moseley, G., Perez, R., Perot, S., Terkelson, A., Thomasson, I., Zyluk, A. and Wells, C. (2019) Standards for the diagnosis and management of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: Results of a European Pain Federation task force. European Journal of Pain. ISSN 1090-3801], which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.
Contract Date Jan 15, 2019


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