Heather Hower
Method for memory consistency among heterogeneous computer components
Hower, Heather; Hill, Mark; Wood, David; Gaster, Benedict; Hechtman, Blake; Beckmann, Bradford
Mark Hill
David Wood
Benedict Gaster Benedict.Gaster@uwe.ac.uk
Associate Professor in Physical Computing
Blake Hechtman
Bradford Beckmann
A method, computer program product, and system is described that determines the correctness of using memory operations in a computing device with heterogeneous computer components. Embodiments include an optimizer based on the characteristics of a Sequential Consistency for Heterogeneous-Race-Free (SC for HRF) model that analyzes a program and determines the correctness of the ordering of events in the program. HRF models include combinations of the properties: scope order, scope inclusion, and scope transitivity. The optimizer can determine when a program is heterogeneous-race-free in accordance with an SC for HRF memory consistency model . For example, the optimizer can analyze a portion of program code, respect the properties of the SC for HRF model, and determine whether a value produced by a store memory event will be a candidate for a value observed by a load memory event. In addition, the optimizer can determine whether reordering of events is possible.
Inventors Derek R. HOWER, Mark D. Hill, David Wood, Steven K. Reinhardt, Benedict R. Gaster, Blake A. Hechtman, Bradford M. Beckmann,
Publication Date | Nov 13, 2014 |
Keywords | weak memory models |
Public URL | https://uwe-repository.worktribe.com/output/807807 |
Publisher URL | http://www.google.com.pg/patents/US20140337587 |
Additional Information | Patent Applicant : Benedict R. Gaster |
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