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Ambulatory Urodynamics

Ellis‐Jones, Julie; Bevan, Wendy


Julie Ellis‐Jones

Wendy Bevan


Ambulatory urodynamics (AUDS) is a useful tool in the armamentarium of the urodynamicist, primarily in the investigation of those patients where conventional urodynamic tests have failed to provide an explanation for their symptoms, yet a definite diagnosis is needed to inform management. The philosophy behind AUDS is to evaluate filling and voiding function and to use provocation tests to elicit important urodynamic observations, such as stress urinary incontinence or detrusor overactivity. The International Continence Society Urodynamics Committee recommends the use of AUDS as a second-line diagnostic tool when office laboratory urodynamics have failed to achieve a diagnosis. Patients undertake urinary flow rate, post-void residual, and urinalysis before proceeding to the test, as with conventional urodynamics. AUDS is a valuable method of investigating the lower urinary tract in cases where diagnosis has been difficult, and it is generally used in the context of failure to reproduce any significant symptoms with conventional testing.

Online Publication Date May 21, 2021
Publication Date May 7, 2021
Deposit Date Jun 3, 2021
Pages 193-198
Edition Fourth
Book Title Abrams Urodynamics
Chapter Number 9
ISBN 9781118844717
Keywords Ambulatory Urodynamics
Public URL