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Information, public participation and access to justice in environmental matters

Razzaque, Jona



Since the 1992 Rio Summit, increasing depletion of resources (such as land, water, energy and forests) as well as restricted access to these resources remain issues of global concern. Time and again, a lack of community engagement along with weak information and consultation procedure that disregard the voice of the affected communities have resulted in unsustainable resource management. Undoubtedly, sustainable natural resource management requires strong substantive rights (e.g. right to a healthy environment) supported by inclusive participatory rights (i.e. rights to information, public participation and access to effective remedies). Professor Razzaque’ chapter examines the development of participatory rights that improve the legitimacy, effectiveness and accountability of government decision-making processes. It examines selected approaches in the context of ecosystem services, resource management and access to justice by Indigenous peoples and local communities. The chapter argues that, in order to achieve more effective routes to participation and a transparent, inclusive and informed system of governance, there is a need for increased participation of non-state actors, joint management of shared resources and stronger obligations of government agencies to include communities in resource decisions.

Publication Date Dec 30, 2020
Deposit Date Jan 14, 2021
Publisher Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
Pages 58-72
Edition Second
Book Title Routledge Handbook of International Environmental Law
Chapter Number 5
ISBN 9780367209247
Keywords Environmental Law
Public URL
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